Marktkauf Dülmen

Project Overview

Builder: Edeka Handelsgesellschaft Rhein-Ruhr
Project: Marktkauf Full Range Supplier
Location: Dülmen, DE
Type: Remodeling
Services: Design
Area: 6.430m²

The new Marktkauf opened in Dülmen, the city of Münsterland, at the end of November 2023.
The concept development was based on the city's typical features and landmarks, which were then translated in an abstract and modern way into an individual and location-specific design concept.

In the fruit and vegetable department, walls and fruit tables, which are covered with red bricks that are characteristic of Münsterland, give customers a feeling of home.
Transparent room dividers that match the color of the walls and are reminiscent of individually lined up roof tiles create a clear demarcation between the department and the rest of the store. Lush green plants hanging from room dividers and trellises create a pleasant ambience and underline the freshness of the products on offer.

In the adjacent departments, the coolers and panels are equipped with white or dark fanned out enclosures, which not only create a modern aesthetic but also serve as the perfect background surface for displaying the products. Vertical, sometimes colored lights in the conversions put the products in the right light.

In order to optimize customer navigation in the store, floor-to-ceiling concrete-look shelves with warm wooden accents and large headings indicate the different topics in the departments. It's not just the shelves that can be seen from a distance that help you find your way around the store, but also the floor. This consists of gray tiles with a concrete look, a striking black customer path breaks through the gray tile look and acts as a visual guide for the customers.

The new Marktkauf Dülmen is characterized by a design concept that emphasizes local elements and a connection to home. The materials and visual references used create a shopping atmosphere that is inviting and close to home for customers.

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